Ceremonial Postpartum Birth Support
We are generationally at a point of re-visioning how we birth and how we tend post-partum.
Traditionally, a period of postpartum retreat has been a global practice. In Japan it is called ‘Sango no hidachi’, in Korea as ‘Samchilil’, which means ‘21’. In China, Zuoyuezi, “the sitting month” In Latin American countries it is called La Cuarentena, 40 days. Here in the US we seem to have forgotten the sacred time of recovery and bonding, and how to tend and honor it with ceremony and ritual.
It has been the greatest gift of my life to apprentice and study with the traditional Mayan Midwives in the highlands of Guatemala, where I was initiated into a lineage of tending women from pre-conception-postpartum.
I incorporate Herbal Support, Yoni Steams, Maya Abdominal Massage, Breathwork, Somatic Birth Integration Support, and Closing of the Bones Ceremony to support the new mother and give her the support she so deeply deserves.
So many Mothers I work with say that this period of time feels otherworldly, not here, not there, an in-between. Closing of the Bones Ceremony can serve as an integration moment, an intentional space created to reflect on the emotional, physical, physiological, and spiritual journey that is birth. There is an invitation to share the birth story, to process emotion, to be nurtured and tended, and to have the energetic and physical portal tended to and closed so that the next chapter can begin. I would love to share this beautiful ceremony with you.
Current Postpartum Offerings
Closing the Bones +Maya Abdominal Massage Ceremony
Sacred Postnatal Ritual Honoring Your Birth as a Rite of Passage
Half Day Ceremonial Experience
The above is an overview of my offerings, however, each birth/doula client and package is unique and custom tailored to fit your unique desires, needs, prayers. Let’s connect to discover what is the best option for you.