MA; A Sanctuary for Returning to Simplicity

MA came to me in a dream many years ago, telling me she was a sacred sanctuary for simplicity, for returning to true nature, and following the Physiologic design of birth to steward a lineage of humanity that is conceived, gestated, birthed, and tended in love, truth and the designed blue print of creation. When we return to this, we heal the mother baby diad, the family nervous system and in turn heal humanity, quickly.

MA is a sacred sanctuary that holds space for women to remember this, to feel it through coming home into simply being, receiving support, nurturing and deep connection to the Earth, her elements, and sisterhood across the generations to provide a web of wisdom that assist us in opening and remembering our own.

In order to come home to true nature, we must remember we are nature, cyclical beings that move in harmony with the cycles and rhythms of the Earth and cosmos. Divinity wrapped in skin, remembering how to be here in a good way, in a true way, in a way that is nourishing, inspiring, and allows us to be the true creator beings that we are.

MA is homestead located in Gerton, North Carolina. She backs up to Laughing Waters Retreat Center and Wild Cat Rock Trail. We partner with Laughing Waters to host retreats/ day immersive workshops, dances, festivals, and community experiences.

Katie holds New Moon and Full Moon fire women’s fire circles. These evenings are a potent deep dive into sisterhood, intimacy, and remembering our wild feral free nature under the night sky supported, held and cradled by the Elemental Beings.

We hold village pre-natals on the fourth Saturday of each month, Weekly Childrens Story time in the fairy grove while Mothers Yoga Classes are held in the Shala. We are building a temezcal and glass greenhouse for yoni steaming and deep ceremonial womb purification. Pre-Conception breathwork and womens cicles focused on tending and healing our lineage to receive those yet to come!





More info coming soon!

To register for Full Moon or New Moon events add your email to our form!