1:1 Mentorship Pre-Conception
-The Path of Pre-Conception-
Fertility is a frequency. Coming into alignment with that frequency requires us to dig deep and tap into our relationship with our life force. How are we? Are we in alignment? Connected to the subtle messages that our body is sending and communicating with? How is our vitality? Our nervous system health? Our sleep? Our service? Our relationships? What is our relationship to understanding, healing, forgiving, and being at peace with our lineage? We stand at the threshold of those who came before and those who are yet to come, it is our responsibltiy to re-grid the consciousness of our wombs, to attune to the highest frequency possible, so that, our womb becomes a temple of and for the divine.
The Path of Pre-Conception is a 6 week journey curated to take us deep into our own origin, our own beginning to witness, see, hold, love and complete any incompletions that are ready to be integrated in order to create space to receive this incoming soul at a new frequency.
With the support of this container you are invited to walk deep into your lineage to understand the gifts, messages, missions, mothers and fathers, to feel and heal the grief of that which has been ungrieved and unclaimed. Together we hold space for the re-membering of your families story and the awakening of the prayers of the ancients and the prayers that are living inside of your own heart.
Through this we begin to open space to hear the song of those yet to come. My teacher and mentor Sarah Soliel told me that it is those yet to come with our highest timelines in their interest. When we begin to call upon them to sit at the center of our circle, center of our prayer, our lives begin to align with the highest path forward with ease. What if we are here to create the dream of our heart so our children remember that life is but a dream and we are here to listen, support, and tend theirs as we walk each other home. This Path of Pre Conception is a deep dive into cleaning up “our side of the street” so to speak as we prepare to weave our lineage into union with another to create a new vibrational path forward. It is a curated and guided container that invokes and invites you to dive into the depths of your root, your relationship to yourself, your service, your joy and pain, your own beginning and relationship to your family system. It is an invitation into the deepest parts of the work, in order to prepare to weave your spirit baby into form from the highest vibrational place available in that moment in time.
You are already whole, you are already ready to conceive. However, there may be protectors (energies) that are asking to be worked with, a unique sequence is necessary to bring forth this next timeline. Together we dive into deep listening and exploration. As we travel into these energetic realms where imprinting and lineage work lives, we begin to unravel the blocks and gently dearmor the protectors. We work with breath, sound, movement, journaling, art, ritual, the elementals, and plants to support us on the journey.
I spent 4 years living in the Highlands of Guatemala studying and apprenticing with my teacher Mariu Gobbato, and the Indigenous Mayan Midwives who so graciously opened their heart and shared their teachings with me. Through walking my own path of pre-conception/conception, with their guidance and support I received many transmissions, downloads, insights and direct teachings that have informed how I steward this gate and this work. I look forward to danicng in the mystery with you.
We work with breath, sound, movement, journaling, somatic embodiment practices, plant medicine, and Earth ritual to create a pathway for liberation.